Magic MP3 Tagger is an application that can help you automatically sort your music collection. The program will let you edit your audio files' ID3 tag information (Artist, Album, Title, Genre, Year and track number) so that you can better organize you songs.
If we had to manually edit each of the songs we have in our computer, it would take us hours to get it done. Thanks to this software, you can batch edit and organize your audio files all at once with high efficiency.
Magic MP3 Tagger is very easy to use. Just add the files you want to edit or the music you want to organize in the program's main window and the software will do the rest. The application will sort the files in a smart way depending on how it interprets the files you added. The software will also highlight in yellow the files that might be possibly wrongly named.
You can add lots of files at the same time. The software will allow you to add them one by one, to choose an entire folder or even load an audio playlist. Once a file is added, you can manually edit it by simply right clicking on it and choosing the 'Edit tags manually' option. You can also view the files' information by simply right clicking on them and choosing the proper option.